If your questions are not answered on this page, please call us or send us a message. We'll be happy to answer your questions!
How can I purchase?
We ship our products to you! Simply make an account, place your order, and your meat will be at your door in a few days. We also sell our products at four farmers markets in NYC on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Click here to learn more about our markets. And, we sell directly from the farm in Schuylkill County, PA, so come on out and get your meat straight from the farm!
Do you have online ordering and can you ship?
Yes! For your convenience, you can now order all your meat online and we'll ship it right to your door. Shipping takes approximately 1-2 days, depending on where you are located. We ship to most of the eastern US. If your zipcode does not offer you a shipping option then we do not ship to your area at this time. We ship only on Monday to allow maximum during the week time for shipping. We will not ship within 3 days of a holiday.
Why is there a $75 minimum order for home delivery?
Due to the efficiency of mass when shipping frozen products, very small orders are not practical to ship. We are striving to contain costs in packing and shipping so that we can offer it included in the price of your product with no shipping or handling fee. In order to make this effective we need a minimum order. For orders between $75 and $150 we charge a flat fee of $15 to cover the costs of packaging. At $150 and over shipping and handling is free!
Who processes your meat?
We are currently processing our beef and pork through Nello's Specialty Meats. They are a USDA inspected facility that does premium quality processing for local farmers. We process our chicken through Belmont Meats, a local USDA inspected premium poultry processor.
How is your meat packaged?
All of our meat is vacuum packaged for maximum freshness. All of the raw products are quick frozen for lasting freshness. We keep it deep frozen (-15F) through the time of sale and you have the choice to store it for as long as you want in your freezer or begin thawing it for immediate use. It can be thawed at room temperature (recommended) if it will be cooked the same day. Otherwise it can be thawed slowly in your refrigerator and can be kept for a week that way.
Is frozen meat as good as fresh meat (never frozen)?
In our experience - definitely yes. We've tested our products and have never been able to detect even the slightest difference in taste or texture between fresh meat or properly frozen and thawed meat when cooked. It all tastes amazing. Flash freezing and deep freezing is the secret and meat frozen in this way is definitely safer to handle, ship and store. It will thaw fresh as can be even after years of storage when frozen and stored at -15F temps in vacuum sealed packaging. We find frozen in this way preferable to fresh.
Is your beef grass fed?
Yes! Completely grass fed and grass finished. Our cattle are all pastured and roam freely. Their diet consists strictly of naturally grown grass, and hay when the grass isn't growing enough. This is a significant commitment and increases our costs of production substantially. But we feel it is the most natural method of raising cattle and provides proven health benefits; which combined with the already significant health benefits genetically provided in lean Piedmontese beef produces a truly superior beef product - unmatched by anything else available.